You must be aware that after experiencing work-related injuries or any occupational illness, you and your family members have the right to be compensated.
Your Workers Compensation Insurance gives you the right to rehabilitation services coverage plus wage-loss compensation. At Flores Medical Center in Tampa, your well-being is our main concern. We work for you to have the best medical attention possible and the fastest, safest rehabilitation.
We know how important your job is for you and your loved ones; putting it at risk endangers your family's future well-being.
We understand how you feel because we have dealt with and supported many cases like yours, and we know you must get treatment for your injuries.
It is essential that you continue to attend rehabilitation sessions because any setback in your treatment may result in chronic pain or extended health issues that will possibly get you laid-off and limit your working options.
Filing a Federal Workers Compensation Claim is your best way to fight for your rights as a worker and human being. Let us help you improve your health so you can continue to work.
Let your boss know about your accident and injuries as soon as possible. They will know what to do and will instruct you on the next steps to take. Start your Workers Compensation application process at the same time. Seek medical attention and become informed about your legal rights.
Make sure to inform yourself on how to correctly complete the Federal Employee Compensation Forms issued by the U.S. Department of Labor on the following page: