Federal Workers Compensation for Your Work-Related Injuries

Complete Rehabilitation Treatments & Care from Trusted Professionals plus documentation to support your Federal Workers Compensation claim

Problems we solve for Federal Workers Compensation

woman with back pain while working needing federal workers compensation
We file with DOL instead of their personal health insurance. This saves them money and preserves their lifetime federal work injury benefits.
We are not the “company doctor.” We will always do what is in the best interest of the patients first. While federal workers compensation Doctors will never do anything unethical or illegal, we will never be pressured to do something that is not in the patient’s best interest.
By filing with DOL, we can help patients get paid for time off from work and for travel to and from medical care.
We provide more than just pain pills. As a multi-specialty practice, we can help patients in a variety of ways, including: medications, physical therapy, chiropractic, non-medication pain alternatives such as Tens Units, Back and Knee Braces, Pain Creams, Massage, and more as indicated for each injury.
We work closely with Union Leaders to help strengthen protections for injured workers.
Patients have the time to focus on getting better and stronger so they can get back to work without getting reinjured.
man with hurting while working needing federal workers compensation
Treating Injured Federal Employees

These are the main areas for which we have been providing services under federal workers compensation laws

emplyee injured at work requires federal workers compensation
Postal Employees (USPS)
TSA Employees
Veterans Affairs (VA)
Dept. of Defense (DOD)
Homeland Security (DHS)
Immigration & Customs (ICE)
Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
Border Protection Agency
Social Security Admin (SSA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Homeland Security (DHS) and all AFGE members
Flores Medical Center In Tampa Takes Care Of You

We are experienced and specialized in Federal Workers Compensation

You must be aware that after experiencing work-related injuries or any occupational illness, you and your family members have the right to be compensated.

Your Workers Compensation Insurance gives you the right to rehabilitation services coverage plus wage-loss compensation. At Flores Medical Center in Tampa, your well-being is our main concern. We work for you to have the best medical attention possible and the fastest, safest rehabilitation.

We know how important your job is for you and your loved ones; putting it at risk endangers your family's future well-being.
We understand how you feel because we have dealt with and supported many cases like yours, and we know you must get treatment for your injuries.

It is essential that you continue to attend rehabilitation sessions because any setback in your treatment may result in chronic pain or extended health issues that will possibly get you laid-off and limit your working options.

Filing a Federal Workers Compensation Claim is your best way to fight for your rights as a worker and human being. Let us help you improve your health so you can continue to work.
What should I do after a work-related accident?
Let your boss know about your accident and injuries as soon as possible. They will know what to do and will instruct you on the next steps to take. Start your Workers Compensation application process at the same time. Seek medical attention and become informed about your legal rights. 

Make sure to inform yourself on how to correctly complete the Federal Employee Compensation Forms issued by the U.S. Department of Labor on the following page: https://www.dol.gov/owcp/dfec/regs/compliance/forms.htm.
Are You Looking For Medical Treatment?

To be able to earn a living and support your family, you need to take care of your health.

With the help of Flores Medical Center in Tampa, you will recover from your injuries and get ready to return to work in the shortest time possible. Please let us know any questions or concerns you may have.
CALL US! (813) 249-7374

usual injuries treated with Federal Workers Compensation

blac and white man showing back pain area
Sprains and Strains.
Slip and Fall Injuries.
Injuries caused by Machinery or Tools.
Injuries related to collisions with or strikes by objects.
Flores Medical Center in Florida Provides Care and Treatment for Them All!!

 federal workers compensation Doctors have unique knowledge and experience 

  1. We have federal workers compensation doctors who know how to get their injury claim accepted by the DOL.
  2. We know how to show causation and how to write excellent reports that get claims accepted.
  3. We will begin treatment even if an injury claim has not been accepted yet. We will never wait for claim acceptance to begin treating injured federal workers.
  4. We understand the various forms required by DOL, and we can help injured federal workers get paid when they are hurt at work.
  5. We know how to handle CA17 Duty Status Reports to take workers off work as needed or used restricted duty when a patient can still work at some level.
  6. We treat patients with physical therapy in our offices. We will strengthen injured workers so that they can go back to work without getting reinsured.
  7. We are associated with an imaging facility that will do imaging such as MRI’s even when a case has not been accepted yet.
  8. We will not be intimidated by claims examiners or other officials associated with the DOL. At all times, we will treat patients based on what is medically necessary and indicated for the accepted conditions. Our documentation and billing will always be valid and based on actual medically indicated treatment. Therefore, we will never need to worry about intimidation tactics towards our patients or our office.
  9. We can alleviate work from union leaders who are dealing with work injury problems of their union members.
  10. Federal workers' compensation Doctors can help patients with Schedule Award Impairment Ratings using the 6th Edition Guide to Permanent Impairment.
  11. By the very nature of how we handle patients' cases, we do free claims management.
smilling doctor holding federal workers compensation folders

How to qualify for a Federal Workers Compensation Claim

The Workers Compensation Insurance was created under the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA) to defend the rights of employees and employers. You have the right to receive compensation for your work-related injuries. Your employer also has the right to protection from unreasonable personal injury lawsuits.
If you are suffering from work-related injuries or illness, you have the right to receive lost wages for a specific period and to have your medical bills covered. If your claim is denied, you have the right to hire an attorney to appeal your case in court. Let us know if you need help finding a lawyer. We can suggest a good one for you.
If you were injured while doing your job, you qualify for Workers Compensation.

We Are Professionals You Can Trust

For the 13 years we’ve been in business, we have been striving to provide our clients with the best quality service possible to help them heal and recover. Our clients have shown their appreciation by coming back to us repeatedly. We want nothing more than to help you after an accident so you can get back to living your life to the fullest.

David P. Kalin MD MPH

Masters in the Science of Public Health

Fellow, American Academy of Family Physicians

Certified Independent Medical Examiner

Since 1992, Dr. Kalin has provided a range of medical expert/ medical legal support services to his clients, through THE HEALTHPLACE CENTER FOR DISABILITY AND INDEPENDENT MEDICAL EVALUATION, a Private Medical Practice of David P. Kalin, MD MPH.  Dr. Kalin is licensed in Florida and North Carolina and is a member of the Pinellas County Medical Society and Florida Medical Association.
Medical Director

Dr. Victor Silva, MD

Dr. Victor Silva, MD is a Hematology Specialist in Tampa, FL and has over 50 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from St Louis University School of Medicine medical school in 1971. Be sure to call ahead to book an appointment with Dr. Silva.

Providing Medical Treatments You Can Trust

Chiropractic Adjustment

Improve your mobility and spinal health.

Massage Therapy

Relax and improve your blood flow.

Stretching and Strengthening

Restore your movement and health.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

Improve your muscle function.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators (TENS unit)

Improve muscle coordination and response.

Neuromuscular Re-Education

Restore your normal mobility.

Hot & Cold Therapy

Relieve your inflammation and pain.

Ultrasound Therapy

Relax your muscles to improve blood circulation.

Spinal Traction

Relieve back pain and improve your health.

Myofascial Release

Heal your tissues and improve your blood flow.
GET OUR SERVICES! (813) 249-7374

Flores Medical Center

Tampa, Florida