About our Doctors in Tampa

Flores Medical Center in Tampa presents to you our team and facility

Flores Medical Center and it's Doctors in Tampa

Doctor handshakes patient
Our patients' rehabilitation, health, and happiness is our priority.
Flores Medical Center in Florida is a professional medical team that provides services to our dear patients, but we also are a family. Every day, our staff and patients share histories, medical experiences, and life in general while looking for the best results on the way to our patients' recovery. We all forge strong relationships and bonds that make us a family.

Our team at Flores Medical Center in Florida is composed of licensed and trained medical professionals. Every patient in our clinic receives the best dedicated and personalized healthcare service they can get in Florida.

As professionals, we grow in our daily service by caring about every person. Every patient matters to us, and we treat each one with the utmost care and dedication. That feeling of service and gratitude inspires and motivates us to provide every person we care for with the best quality services, giving them a better chance to achieve the life they desire.

our doctors in tampa are part of a caring and dedicated professional medical team

Sirney LMT. Doctors in Tampa profile picture

Sirney Molla, LMT

Always learning to find the best treatments for our patients.
Howard DC. Doctors in Tampa profile picture

Howard Van Nostrand, DC

Passionate about helping others. Just tell me how I can help.
Victor MD. Doctors in Tampa profile picture

Victor Silva, MD

A dedicated professional in every aspect.
David MD. Doctors in Tampa profile picture

David P Kalin, MD

Loves medicine, puzzles, and patients.

Trust in Flores Medical Center's experience and results

Doctor helping patient in standing physical rehabilitation exercise

13+ experience years

Our team has many years of combined experience and many medical procedures provided to the Tampa Bay community.

7200+ Treatments

Every year of service, we provide thousands of medical treatments to all our patients.

1200+ Cases

From Workers' Comp, to auto accidents, to slip and fall accidents, we have supported and provided reliable medical information for hundreds of cases.

Pictures of Our Facility, the Team, and services we provide 

Start working with our doctors in Tampa

Take control of your rehabilitation process with the help of a reliable and professional medical team
Flores Medical Center in Tampa is ready to provide you with the medical assistance you require. Let us help you speed up your recovery process and get back to a healthy, injury-free life.
CALL US! (813) 249-7374

primary areas of expertise of Our Doctors In Tampa

For many years Flores Medical Center have been in business, our doctors in Tampa have been striving to provide our clients with the best quality service possible to help them heal and recover. Our clients have shown their appreciation by coming back to us repeatedly. We want nothing more than to help you after an accident so you can get back to living your life to the fullest.

Flores Medical Center

Tampa, Florida