Contact Us

Get in touch with us at Flores Medical Center in Tampa

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    Contact information

    If you have questions or want to learn more about Flores Medical Center's services, we look forward to helping you in any way possible. Let us know how we can help!
    813 249 7374
    5011 W. Hillsborough Ave, Suit M, Tampa, FL 33634

    our primary areas of expertise

    Providing Our Patients With All The Treatments They Need

    Chiropractic Adjustment

    Massage Therapy

    Stretching & Strengthening

    Electrical Muscle Stimulation

    TENS unit

    Neuromuscular Re-Education

    Hot & Cold Therapy

    Ultrasound Therapy

    Spinal Traction

    Myofascial Release

    Flores Medical Center has a medical team you can trust

    35+ Years

    Our team brings many years of combined experience and service to the Tampa community.

    7200+ Treatments

    Every year of service we provide thousands of medical treatments for all our patients.

    1200+ Cases

    From Workers' Comp, and auto accidents, to slip and fall accidents, we have supported and provided reliable medical information for hundreds of cases.

    Are you needing medical rehabilitation and treatments for your injuries?

    Start your rehabilitation process with a reliable and professional medical team

    Flores Medical Center in Tampa is ready to provide you with the medical assistance you require. Let us help you speed up your recovery process and get back to a healthy and injury-free life.
    CALL US! (813) 249-7374

    Flores Medical Center

    Tampa, Florida